I’m always impressed by the sheer quality of Hex brand bags, with attention to the details but also the design and it being just the right size to carry valuables such as camera equipment. I’d recommend to anyone over other brands.
Wow. Perfect size. Quality materials. I'm incredibly happy!
This bag is perfect. Front zipper is for my wallet, middle/larger zipper is for my keys and face masks and back section is for my cell phone. I previously owned the DSLR Ranger Sling v2 and though it carried a lot during peak covid season and two daughters, this Crossbody is all I now need for everyday use. Love this bag ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Customer service is pretty much non existent. Had to reach out to their Instagram for any enquiries regarding my order.
WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - www.P65warnings.ca.gov